Window cleaning, high pressure and gutter cleaning for the Bunbury, Busselton and SW regions of WA Schools, government buildings, wineries, car yards, commercial offices, NDIS, restaurants, medical centres, service stations, executive homes, car-parks, driveways, pavers, patio clean, complete exterior building wash downs, including facades and more 30 years experience
Pure spot free water available, for a perfect finish to glass Jemex Cleaning Services uses "Water-fed pole" window cleaning using "Pure de-ionized water", to clean buildings above single storey. This uses the latest in water purification to deliver outstanding results. We were the first in the Bunbury area to offer this to our clients.
Servicing Bunbury, Busselton, Eaton, Australind, Dalyellup, Donnybrook, Capel, Harvey and other area's in the South West
"If you text us, we'll call you back." Window Cleaning
Pressure Cleaning
Floor care, tiles and grout cleaning
Gutter Cleaning
Send pictures of the work you would like done to our email, or text them, and we will give a quote!